Louisville Business First Highlights The Meriwether STEAM Academic Center
Louisville Business First Magazine this week highlighted The Meriwether STEAM Academic Center, a Sherman Carter Barnhart-designed project that is the central hub for interdisciplinary learning on Kentucky Country Day’s 80-
plus acre campus.
Kentucky Country Day School will build two additions to the main building on its 74.5-acre campus as part of a three-phase renovation and expansion plan.
With nearly 20,000 added square feet of space, the new building is home to its Upper and Middle School Design & Fabrication Lab, Lower School Maker Space, classrooms for computer science, middle school art and lower school science, administrative offices and a new Spirit Store.
The Meriwether STEAM Center features large, flexible spaces for 21st Century teaching and learning. The new three-story STEAM Center addition includes a classroom alongside a large, flexible common area space for collaborative learning and student life. Located east of the facility’s current main entrance, the STEAM Academic Center is a new primary entrance and focal point of the campus, showcasing student work.
The renovation of the JK-8 building, which is is the main building on campus — home to KCD’s Lower School (junior kindergarten through fourth grades) included a new entrance and welcoming area and renovated classrooms into large, flexible learning spaces.