Sherman Carter Barnhart re-envisions University of Kentucky’s White Hall Classroom Building
University of Kentucky engages Sherman Carter Barnhart Architects with SmithGroup to transform White Hall Classroom Building, an iconic campus site.
Breathitt Veterinary Center
The new Breathitt Veterinary Center (BVC) is a “state of the art” animal disease diagnostic lab at Murray State University’s Hopkinsville Campus. It supports the diagnostic mission of the Breathitt Veterinary Center with dedicated laboratories and offices for research to continue to serve the animal production industry for the State of Kentucky, particularly Western Kentucky as well as neighboring states.
The BVC addresses GLP Guidelines, Biosecurity Procedures for Diagnostic Labs, BSL-2 Guidelines, BSL-3 Guidelines, ASHRAE-90 Guidelines and policies for securing “LEED” Silver Certification. While the new Breathitt Lab will provide much needed services, it also provides for future equipment and space requirements.
It accommodates truly functional labs that allow samples to be processed in proper sequence and flow. From sample receiving or carcass receiving to final reporting, the sample management and data delivery is safe, efficient and ergonomic. The new facility is designed to provide adequate and essential space to distribute utilities to all lab spaces in a “planned” format using a system of three dimensional “zones” and “rights of way” for establishing a distribution grid which can are easily modified for accommodation of future pieces of equipment (ie: robots, imaging, bio-safety enclosures).
The BVC also houses a Biological Safety Level 3 (BSL-3) Laboratory suite for working with bacteria, parasites, or viruses that are of high concern to animals and humans. It is the only BSL-3 animal diagnostic lab in Kentucky.
The labs are designed to create site environments for the technician and lab personnel. Lab designs allow for proper emergency egress, automatic shut-down of systems and power and control of infectious agents. Critical systems include emergency back-up power to all life safety systems, all exhaust systems, all cooler-freezer units for tissue and sample storage.
The exterior blends into the classically inspired Murray campus, featuring brick, stone, prefinished aluminum storefronts and metal roof. A pyramidal roof atop the entry lobby is surmounted by an octagonal cupola.
The building is targeted to earn LEED Silver Certification and features a chilled beam mechanical system and constructed with insulated concrete forms (ICF) exterior walls.
University of Kentucky engages Sherman Carter Barnhart Architects with SmithGroup to transform White Hall Classroom Building, an iconic campus site.
As Sherman Carter Barnhart Architects proudly celebrates its one-year anniversary in our new building, we reflect on a transformative journey marked by innovation, collaboration,